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Barb Doyon - How To Write a Horror Screenplay

Writer's picture: Pamela PerryPamela Perry

Barb Doyon is the owner/founder of Extreme Screenwriting, a Los Angeles-based screenplay and TV pilot coverage service. She is also a Hollywood ghostwriter for script doctoring and has adapted 47 novels to screenplays for motion picture production. In addition, she's a screenwriter, and award-winning documentary writer, and she signed a 3-picture deal with Patriot Productions for RONIN 3 in January 2022. She also owns Fix My Screenplay, a website that teaches aspiring screenwriters how to write to compete against A-list writers and finally break into the entertainment industry.

Barb Doyon lecturing at the Simsbury, CT. Storyteller's Cottage Script to Screen Summit.

How to Write a Horror Screenplay


Here's the link to PURCHASE the MASTERCLASS How to Write a Horror Screenplay

Learn the secret ingredients to writing and marketing a Horror screenplay to Hollywood. Introducing: How to Write a Horror Screenplay Masterclass Discover the proven writing strategies involved in the world’s most watched genre. This is everything you need to write and sell a feature-length Horror screenplay. The ultimate Horror Screenplay Writing & Marketing Blueprint. Why How to Write a Horror Screenplay Masterclass? Learning Basic Screenwriting isn’t enough. There are rules for every genre. How to Write a Horror Screenplay Masterclass is a step-by-step blueprint that covers the rules for writing horror. I’ve created this course with a simplified approach to learning how to write Horror from FADE IN to FADE OUT.

Anyone taking the course will learn not only how to write a horror, but how to effectively market the screenplay to Hollywood, using a new and proven marketing technique. Learn how to sell the screenplay as a franchise to producers seeking to make 1, 2, 3 or more movies from your concept.

You’ll receive a complete marketing system, including where to find contact information for anyone in Hollywood. What takes many years to learn in college… You get in this 12-part masterclass!

No other horror course completes the screenwriter’s journey from FADE IN to the THEATER like How to Write a Horror Screenplay Masterclass.

When it comes to writing and selling a Horror screenplay, you need three things: 1. Genre Knowledge – Understanding the rules for Horror can make or break a screenplay. The masterclass teaches the mandatory rules for Horror. 2. Learn How to Create Fear – Concept has no meaning unless the screenwriter knows how to frighten the reader with the written word. The masterclass teaches simple techniques for creating fear using format, transitions, pacing, etc. 3. Market Beyond the Query – The query letter is dead. The masterclass shows you how to apply an easy, visual way to market where the producer calls you to request the screenplay. How to Write a Horror Screenplay Masterclass Includes 12 Video Modules: Module 1: An overview of the strategies covered and how to get the most out of the videos. Bonus Download: Movie List Module 2: How to come up with ideas that sell in the Horror genre. Bonus Download: Where to Find Ideas List Module 3: How to apply a specific type of plot twist required to sell a Horror. Module 4: Specific ‘rules’ to never break if you want to sell a Horror. Bonus Download: List of Rules to Never Break Module 5: Concepts to stay away from when writing the Horror. Module 6: Understanding the different types of Horror. Learn the sub-genre rules for Horror. Module 7: Learn the key ingredients to creating a loss of free will. Find out how and when to apply it in the screenplay. Bonus Download: List of Ways to Create a Loss of Free Will Module 8: Understanding Horror characters, ensemble cast, killers that never die, when to include a hero’s arc (or not) and writing monsters. Module 9: Learn the mandatory ending for Horror. How to use it to create franchise potential for your concept. Module 10: Time to put it all together. Learn the unique, three-Act structure for Horror. Bonus Download: Three-Act Structure Checklist Module 11: Marketing Beyond the Query Letter. Learn a new, proven visual way to market. Bonus Download #1: Sample Pitch, Bonus Download #2: Marketing Checklist Module 12: Wrap-up and a special thank you.

How to Write a Horror Screenplay Masterclass will make you a master Horror screenwriter. This is the ONLY Horror Screenplay writing course you’ll ever need!

Imagine this… You finally understand how easy it is to create uniquely terrifying Horror. You follow the course and complete a highly marketable Horror screenplay. You apply a new, proven marketing strategy beyond the query letter. A producer calls you….! And wants to read your screenplay. Before you know it, dozens of producers are requesting the screenplay. Your screenplay is OPTIONED (with franchise potential)! Now for the real talk… Right now you have 2 options: Option A: Buy How to Write a Horror Screenplay Masterclass and get the blueprint for writing and selling to Hollywood. Option B: Waste your time reading books and taking courses that fail to go beyond basic screenwriting to teach the genre rules, then rely on the saturated query letter for marketing. The choice is yours. No up-sells. This one course includes everything required to write and sell a Horror screenplay. My Personal Guarantee: How to Write a Horror Screenplay Masterclass will change the way you write and market a Horror screenplay. I am extremely confident in that. I promise that if you apply all the methods that I teach… …You will write a ‘recommend’ Horror screenplay. …You will get multiple producers requesting a read. How to Write a Horror Screenplay Masterclass is the only course you need. It’s a no brainer! You have nothing to lose! 30 Day Refund How confident am I? If you applied my strategies and are not getting reads for your Horror screenplay…I will gladly refund your money. Email me at and show me that you’ve applied my strategies and still haven’t received a read request for your Horror screenplay and you will get your money back. It is that simple. Take Action Now!

You have nothing to lose. Are you ready to write and sell a Horror Screenplay? Now is the time.

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